About us

About JEMStar Tech

Located in Denver, Colorado, JEMStar Tech is a dynamic startup dedicated to delivering exceptional technology solutions. We cater to a diverse range of clients, providing world-class services to both large enterprises and small businesses. Our team excels in web development, architecture, and API services, ensuring robust and scalable solutions. We also offer expert consulting and advisory board services, leveraging our extensive experience to guide our clients to success. Additionally, we specialize in affiliate network management and integrations, helping our clients expand their reach and optimize their marketing efforts. At JEMStar Tech, we are committed to offering high-quality insights and outstanding delivery to meet the unique needs of our customers.

Our values

The core values that drive everything we do

We hold our selves to high standard in order to create the best application and give our customers the best and most reliable service.

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Hard work

Working Smart and Hard is a cornerstone of success.

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Our team are not normal consultants, we work alongside our business partners to create the best outcomes.

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Results matter

The end result matters, if the whole project is not successful then nothing is successful.

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No woman is an island, success comes from all team members working together to create solutions and solve problems.

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Innovation where innovation makes sense. We are always keeping up with the latest trends, and apply them where needed.

Our team

The amazing team behind our company

Our company is nothing without our team.